So the story begins when I met this girl on facebook, well she added me first. I don't really know her though and neither do she know me. And we chat on facebook last year and trade numbers. First I thought, who is this girl? I asked my friends if they know her and the answer was NO. *facepalm* We text and text, talked on the phone and somehow, who knows who like who? Major confusion about that. Sorry. She says she likes me. I was like "okay" then I thought, Jaceyy, just go with the flow. For me, she's a very 'manja' person, let me talk this part in bahasa: sikit-sikit mau merajuk, dah dipujuk, masi merajuk. So I have to ring her and calm her down. Okay, what happen was last night, she text me suddenly and said she wants to go out and have a drink. I said okay then meet up at Vertigo (seriously wants to bring my friends there after our allowance are out coz that place is EPIC). She brought some friends with her and I brought my cousin along. So we meet up at Vertigo, I have to admit this, when I saw her with her outfit>>> *jawdrop* whoa! Sexy! Yeah, I'm the dirty thoughts behind your mind. She was wearing this kinda tube dress, and her bazookas were half revealing. *shakes head then slap face* Jaceyy! Focus! We enter the bistro, holding each other's hand, sit down and 2 jugs of beer. Yum! The atmosphere was epic! The music, I can say you can totally shake what your mama gave ya! Yes, seriously. So after couple of glasses and conversations then she suddenly look at me and said "I want a kiss". God knows how I feel at that time, my face were like this O.o then I said to her "What? Wait, you mean now?" Then she said seriously "Yes, now. Here" Astaga! In front of my cousin again that, they don't know that I'm not straight! Geez! Her friends pun were looking at me. I was seriously shy at that time, she leans close to me, closes her eyes and waiting for me to kiss her. Oh hell no, both of my cousins were beside me, looking at me confused. Then I said to her, "later la, not here" My gosh she's very demanding, "No, I want here now." My heart was seriously beating fast! She was really demanding so I bring her to a corner of the place. She leans on the world, looking at my eyes. Gosh woman, I'm not going to do you, its just a kiss. Yes, a kiss, thats what I thought it was. Still I was still shy and then again she said, "please". Ah okay! I lean close to her, I kissed her, like I said, I thought it was just a KISS. BUT IT WASN'T! She french kissed me!! AAHHMAIGOSHHHH!!! Twas so awkward! To be honest, I did enjoy it a bit but it was really awkward! I can feel her tongue..gah! Nevermind! See the picture there? Thats how we kissed and it was a 5 second thing. But my favourite part is after we kissed, I hold her close to me, she lays on my chest and I lay on her shoulder, kissed her shoulder again. Those moment, as if we're a couple. FYI we're not and I think I won't be seeing her again.

*sigh* I feel upset giving away my first kiss to her. Because I think that I won't be seeing her again. I don't know. She seemed not interested in being with me and I feel so awkward being with her. But she's kinda straight though. I don't think she wants to be with me. But her friend said "she likes you, go dance with her" not to mention, her friend is also demanding. You don't force people to do something that they don't want to. Haha! *sigh* depends on her then, if she wants to text, text and if she doesn't want then its up to her. I'm always up for another outing but not another kiss. Major awkwardness!